First Announcement

The 2017 meeting venue is in Zurich, a charming Swiss city easily reached by air, rail or car from all cities of Europe.

Quantum dynamical phenomena are of importance in a wide range of fields in the physical, chemical, biological and computational sciences.

The present Workshop is highly cross-disciplinary. It encompasses both theoretical and experimental work on Molecular Quantum Dynamics and Kinetics in gas and condensed phases, in general, including biological systems, chemical reactions, tunneling and energy flow phenomena in molecules, solids and liquids. A strong interaction between experiment and theory is desired.

We encourage contributions on all time dependent phenomena where molecular quantum dynamics plays an important role, including inorganic, organic and organometallic reactions, tunneling processes in clusters and nanoparticles, enzyme-catalyzed reactions, and some non-traditional emerging areas, this list being exemplary and non-exhaustive.

The scientific program will include the following topics, among others:

  • Molecular Quantum Dynamics in the primary processes of energy flow

  • Molecular Quantum Dynamics in isomerization processes and in general unimolecular and bimolecular reactions

  • Molecular Quantum Dynamics of stereomutation and parity violation in chiral molecules

  • Molecular Quantum Dynamics in biomolecular systems

  • Molecular Quantum Dynamics in catalysis

  • Quantum dynamics of electron motion in molecules on the attosecond time scale

  • Tunneling in hydrogen bonded systems

  • Kinetic isotope effects

  • Vibrational rotational tunneling dynamics in molecules and clusters

  • Molecular Quantum Dynamics in diffusion phenomena

  • Electron transport in nanosystems

  • Advances in theoretical and computational methods and software

Executive Committee (co-chairs, from ETH Zurich)

Frédéric Merkt, Martin Quack, Markus Reiher, Jeremy Richardson, Ruth Signorell, Hans Jakob Wörner

Further information may be obtained by contacting Martin Quack (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the other members of the executive committee.

Save the dates now and provide updated contact information to us if you are interested. Further information will be communicated with the second announcement.

The workshop is held jointly with the workshop of the working group 2 of the COST action MOLIM.

Support from the EU (COST MOLIM) and the Swiss Chemical Society is gratefully acknowledged.


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